The one area that you need to focus on before you launch is...

dependable support

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The one area that you need to focus on before you launch is...

dependable support

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Turn your weakness into a 


Launching your online course is not an isolated process, you shouldn’t have to go at it alone. Putting a plan in place so that you have dependable support can be the thing that takes you from making four figures to generating five and six figures instead.

What is dependable support?

Dependable support is using reliable systems, materials, and people to your benefit, leaning on them to help meet your business and personal needs throughout your launch. Your support system can make all the difference in you feeling at ease, held, and confident throughout your launch.

Types of Support Needed During a Launch

Support for your business
  1. Team
  2. Technology
  3. Mentorship
  4. Community
  5. Education

Support in your personal life
  1. Reliable Environment
  2. Community
  3. Launch Hygiene - Mental, Physical, Spiritual/Emotional

A key thing that we talk about in Together We Launch is how you can have a top-tier offer, but if you aren’t being proactive about implementing launch hygiene practices or investing in dependable support for your launch, you’re putting yourself at risk of burning out and spiraling mid-launch, which will, in turn, affect your sales and profitability.